14 research outputs found

    Towards a Complete Scheme for Tabled Execution Based on Program Transformation

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    The advantages of tabled evaluation regarding program termination and reduction of complexity are well known —as are the significant implementation, portability, and maintenance efforts that some proposals (especially those based on suspension) require. This implementation effort is reduced by program transformation-based continuation call techniques, at some efficiency cost. However, the traditional formulation of this proposal [1] limits the interleaving of tabled and non-tabled predicates and thus cannot be used as-is for arbitrary programs. In this paper we present a complete translation for the continuation call technique which, while requiring the same runtime support as the traditional approach, solves these problems and makes it possible to execute arbitrary tabled programs. We also present performance results which show that the resulting CCall approach offers a useful tradeoff that can be competitive with other state-of-the-art implementation

    Bridge transformation for continuation call-based tabled execution.

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    The advantages of tabled evaluation regarding program termination and reduction of complexity are well known —as are the significant implementation, portability, and maintenance efforts that some proposals (especially those based on suspension) require. This implementation effort is reduced by program transformation-based continuation call techniques, at some efficiency cost. However, the traditional formulation of this proposal by Ramesh and Cheng limits the interleaving of tabled and non-tabled predicates and thus cannot be used as-is for arbitrary programs. In this paper we present a complete translation for the continuation call technique which, using the runtime support needed for the traditional proposal, solves these problems and makes it possible to execute arbitrary tabled programs. We present performance results which show that CCall offers a useful tradeoff that can be competitive with state-of-the-art implementations

    A general implementation framework for tabled CLP

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    This paper describes a framework to combine tabling evalua- tion and constraint logic programming (TCLP). While this combination has been studied previously from a theoretical point of view and some implementations exist, they either suffer from a lack of efficiency, flex- ibility, or generality, or have inherent limitations with respect to the programs they can execute to completion (either with success or fail- ure). Our framework addresses these issues directly, including the ability to check for answer / call entailment, which allows it to terminate in more cases than other approaches. The proposed framework is experimentally compared with existing solutions in order to provide evidence of the mentioned advantages

    A simulation study on parallel backtracking with solution memoing for independent and-parallelism

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    Goal-level Independent and-parallelism (IAP) is exploited by scheduling for simultaneous execution two or more goals which will not interfere with each other at run time. This can be done safely even if such goals can produce multiple answers. The most successful IAP implementations to date have used recomputation of answers and sequentially ordered backtracking. While in principle simplifying the implementation, recomputation can be very inefficient if the granularity of the parallel goals is large enough and they produce several answers, while sequentially ordered backtracking limits parallelism. And, despite the expected simplification, the implementation of the classic schemes has proved to involve complex engineering, with the consequent difficulty for system maintenance and expansion, and still frequently run into the well-known trapped goal and garbage slot problems. This work presents ideas about an alternative parallel backtracking model for IAP and a simulation studio. The model features parallel out-of-order backtracking and relies on answer memoization to reuse and combine answers. Whenever a parallel goal backtracks, its siblings also perform backtracking, but after storing the bindings generated by previous answers. The bindings are then reinstalled when combining answers. In order not to unnecessarily penalize forward execution, non-speculative and-parallel goals which have not been executed yet take precedence over sibling goals which could be backtracked over. Using a simulator, we show that this approach can bring significant performance advantages over classical approaches

    An Improved Continuation Call-Based Implementation of Tabling

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    Tabled evaluation has been proved an effective method to improve several aspects of goal-oriented query evaluation, including termination and complexity. Several “native” implementations of tabled evaluation have been developed which offer good performance, but many of them require significant changes to the underlying Prolog implementation, including the compiler and the abstract machine. Approaches based on program transformation, which tend to minimize changes to both the Prolog compiler and the abstract machine, have also been proposed, but they often result in lower efficiency. We explore some techniques aimed at combining the best of these worlds, i.e., developing an extensible implementation which requires minimal modifications to the compiler and the abstract machine, and with reasonably good performance. Our preliminary experiments indicate promising results

    Some improvements over the continuation call tabling implementation technique

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    Tabled evaluation has been proved an effective method to improve several aspeets of goal-oriented query evaluation, including termination and complexity. Several "native" implementations of tabled evaluation have been developed which offer good performance, but many of them need significant changes to the underlying Prolog implementation. More portable approaches, generally using program transformation, have been proposed but they often result in lower efficieney. We explore some techniques aimed at combining the best of these worlds, i.e., developing a portable and extensible implementation, with minimal modifications at the abstract machine level, and with reasonably good performance. Our preliminary results indícate promising results

    Parallel backtracking with answer memoing for independent and-parallelism

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    Goal-level Independent and-parallelism (IAP) is exploited by scheduling for simultaneous execution two or more goals which will not interfere with each other at run time. This can be done safely even if such goals can produce múltiple answers. The most successful IAP implementations to date have used recomputation of answers and sequentially ordered backtracking. While in principie simplifying the implementation, recomputation can be very inefficient if the granularity of the parallel goals is large enough and they produce several answers, while sequentially ordered backtracking limits parallelism. And, despite the expected simplification, the implementation of the classic schemes has proved to involve complex engineering, with the consequent difficulty for system maintenance and extensión, while still frequently running into the well-known trapped goal and garbage slot problems. This work presents an alternative parallel backtracking model for IAP and its implementation. The model features parallel out-of-order (i.e., non-chronological) backtracking and relies on answer memoization to reuse and combine answers. We show that this approach can bring significant performance advantages. Also, it can bring some simplification to the important engineering task involved in implementing the backtracking mechanism of previous approaches

    Estrategias Avanzadas de Tabulación y Paralelismo en Programas Lógicos = Advanced Evaluation Strategies for Tabling and Parallelism in Logic Programs

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    Dentro de los paradigmas de programación en el mundo de la informática tenemos la "Programación Lógica'', cuyo principal exponente es el lenguaje Prolog. Los programas Prolog se componen de un conjunto de predicados, cada uno de ellos definido en base a reglas que aportan un elevado nivel de abstracción y declaratividad al programador. Sin embargo, las formulación con reglas implica, frecuentemente, que un predicado se recompute varias veces para la misma consulta y además, Prolog utiliza un orden fijo para evaluar reglas y objetivos (evaluación SLD) que puede entrar en "bucles infinitos'' cuando ejecuta reglas recursivas declarativamente correctas. Estas limitaciones son atacadas de raiz por la tabulación, que se basa en "recordar'' en una tabla las llamadas realizadas y sus soluciones. Así, en caso de repetir una llamada tendríamos ya disponibles sus soluciones y evitamos la recomputación. También evita "bucles infinitos'' ya que las llamadas que los generan son suspendidas, quedando a la espera de que se computen soluciones para las mismas. La implementación de la tabulación no es sencilla. En particular, necesita de tres operaciones que no pueden ser ejecutadas en tiempo constante simultáneamente. Dichas operaciones son: suspensión de llamadas, relanzamiento de llamadas y {acceso a variables. La primera parte de la tesis compara tres implementaciones de tabulación sobre Ciao, cada una de las cuales penaliza una de estas operaciones. Por tanto, cada solución tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes y se comportan mejor o peor dependiendo del programa ejecutado. La segunda parte de la tesis mejora la funcionalidad de la tabulación para combinarla con restricciones y también para evitar computaciones innecesarias. La programación con restricciones permite la resolución de ecuaciones como medio de programar, mecanismo altamente declarativo. Hemos desarrollado un framework para combinar la tabulación con las restricciones, priorizando objetivos como la flexibilidad, la eficiencia y la generalidad de nuestra solución, obteniendo una sinergia entre ambas técnicas que puede ser aplicada en numerosas aplicaciones. Por otra parte, un aspecto fundamental de la tabulación hace referencia al momento en que se retornan las soluciones de una llamada tabulada. Local evaluation devuelve soluciones cuando todas las soluciones de la llamada tabulada han sido computadas. Por contra, batched evaluation devuelve las soluciones una a una conforme van siendo computadas, por lo que se adapta mejor a problemas donde no nos interesa encontrar todas las soluciones. Sin embargo, su consumo de memoria es exponencialmente peor que el de local evaluation. La tesis presenta swapping evaluation, que devuelve soluciones tan pronto como son computadas pero con un consumo de memoria similar a la de local evaluation. Además, se implementan operadores de poda, once/1, para descartar la búsqueda de soluciones alternativas cuando encontramos la solución deseada. Por último, Prolog adopta con relativa facilidad soluciones para paralelismo gracias a su flexibilidad en el control de la ejecución y a que sus asignaciones son lógicas. La tercera parte de la tesis extiende el paralelismo conjuntivo de Ciao para trabajar con programas no deterministas, lo que presenta dos problemas principales: los objetivos atrapados y la recomputación de objetivos. Las soluciones clásicas para los objetivos atrapados rompían muchos invariantes de la ejecución Prolog, siendo soluciones difíciles de mantener y de extender, que la experiencia nos dice que han caído en desuso. Nosotros proponemos una solución modular (basada en la implementación de swapping evaluation), localizada y que no rompe los invariantes de la ejecución Prolog, pero que mantiene un alto rendimiento de la ejecución paralela. En referencia a la recomputación de objetivos paralelos en presencia de no determinismo hemos adaptado ténicas derivadas de la tabulación para memorizar computaciones de estos objetivos y evitar su recomputación